Trenton, Princeton & Salcajá
In July, I spent two weeks on a scouting trip in Guatemala, assessing the possibility of future documentary work there as part of The...
Trenton 1968: The Edges of Memory
Tuesday night was URB202’s fourth annual student screening at Artworks, Trenton’s gallery and art-making space. This year’s screening...
Op-Doc: Taller than the Trees
This slow burn of a film has found a home at Op-Docs. I'm so pleased to see the work of Megan Mylan, Mike Chin and Emily Taguchi make...
The delights and secrets of the Trenton Free Public Library
Yesterday, I had the very great pleasure of spending the late afternoon and evening in a dusty, windowless room at The College of New...
"Class Close-Up: Documentary Film and the City" in the Princeton Alumni Weekly
This Fall's class -- which I'm excited and intrigued to be co-teaching with historian Alison Isenberg -- is featured in this month's...
Taller the the Trees: Op-Doc Screening in L.A.
Taller Than The Trees is screening tonight in L.A. at the Landmark. It's part of an International Documentary Association screening...
Taller than the Trees premiere!
Good news from the land of film festivals. Megan Mylan’s Taller than the Trees (me, editor) will be screening at the Nantucket Film...
The Story Behind the Story
How many stories lie behind a few simple lines of a newspaper story? This summer and fall, I’ll have a chance to see how deep and wide...
Consulado Móvil comes to Trenton
Saturday marked the inauguration of the Consulado Móvil in Trenton... and felt like the official start of The Trenton-Salcajá Project,...
URB202 Final Screening: Artworks
After a semester of work, the poster is printed and the films are almost done! On January 20th, we'll premiere six short student films...